Monthly Archives: September 2015

Hello Fresh Meals


Hello Fresh Meals – Have you heard off these?  Complete meals to cook, delivered right to your door?

We hadn’t either until we introduced to them by our daughter-in-law.  We received our first 3 meals this week.  We are really enjoying them. Better yet, my husband is enjoying cooking them! He said the recipes are easy to follow and likes that everything you need is listed (including which pans and bowls) and that all the ingredients are provided, including the meat and veggies. You just need to provide the basics such as salt and pepper and cooking oil. That means less grocery shopping for him. With my broken finger splinted, he is even washing the dishes. I trained him well, didn’t I? : )

Here’s how it works. You choose the type of meal you want and for how many (meat or veggie). We chose the meat (called Classic Box) – 3 meals for 2. The price for that box is $69.00 but that includes all your ingredients. You pick 3 out of 5 meals available each week (Vegetarian meals do not have a choice at this time, but they are working on that). You also have to check to make sure they deliver in your zipcode area.

The box comes on the day you ask for delivery each week. It has frozen packs with it that keeps everything cold until you can bring it in (that same day). You don’t have to get one each week. You can skip as often as you like. You just have to remember to login and tell them to skip before the deadline each week. You can also cancel anytime.

Our meals this first week included Salmon with sides (663 calories), Chinese Black Bean Chicken with water chestnuts and mushrooms (612 calories) and Italian Meatloaf with green beans and mashed potatoes.

I don’t think we will do this every week. We will probably skip a week in between. But it really does beat eating out a lot, it’s really nice having everything right in your kitchen waiting for you, it’s fun to cook (just ask Danny) and the food has been delicious. Ok, maybe not the salmon as I’m not a fan of salmon, but I did try some and was able to eat some of it so that tells you something. : ) Danny loved it.

So, if you are ever interested in giving it a try, of course Hello Fresh has provided a way to try it out for $40 off your first order. Just click on the link below. Remember, the biggest thing is logging in each week to choose your meals and/or to skip them or to cancel your subscription. I will probably need to set an alarm reminder or something for me. : )  You’ll need to add this referral code to get $40 off your first order.  LEWPH6

Here are some pics of our meals this first week.

Pan Seared Salmon Meal

Pan Seared Salmon Meal

Chinese Chicken with Black Beans

Chinese Chicken with Black Beans

Italian Meatloaf Meal

Italian Meatloaf Meal